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Chairman’s Statement

               Chairman’s Statement

                 LEUNG KAI CHING, KIMEN

               GROUP RESULTS AND DIVIDENDS                     resolved  to  declare  a  final  dividend  of  HK10  cents
                                                               (2014: HK4 cents) per share, which, combined with
               On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to   an  interim  dividend  of  HK3  cents  per  share  already
               present the financial results of Alco Holdings Limited   paid  (2014:  HK3  cents),  represents  a  total  dividend
               (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the   of HK13 cents per share for the financial year (2014:
               “Group”) for the year ended 31st March 2015.    HK7 cents).

               As  at  the  close  of  the  reporting  year,  the  Group   The  final  dividend  will  be  paid  on  11th  September
               recorded  turnover  of  HK$2.6  billion,  representing   2015 to the Group’s shareholders upon approval at
               a  year-on-year  increase  of  12%  (2014:  HK$2.3   the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
               billion).  Profit  attributable  to  shareholders  amounted
               to  HK$114  million  (2014:  loss  of  HK$19  million),
               and  was  mainly  due  to  (i)  the  increase  in  turnover;
               (ii)  improvement  in  gross  margin;  and  (iii)  the  Group
               being  no  longer  impacted  by  a  one-time  write-off
               of  the  plastic  operation  and  investment  in  Hydis  as
               reported in the 2014 financial year.

               In  view  of  the  positive  performance  of  the  Group
               and the Board of Directors’ commitment to observe
               a  stable  dividend  payout  policy,  the  directors  have

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