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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

               31st March 2016


                   Note (a)
                   Reserves movement of the Company

                                                               Capital               Staff
                                                     Share   redemption   Contributed   compensation   Retained
                                                    premium    reserve   surplus   reserve   earnings    Total
                                                    HK$’000   HK$’000    HK$’000   HK$’000   HK$’000   HK$’000
                   At 1st April 2014                310,651      940     40,586     11,783   635,220   999,180
                   Comprehensive income
                    Profit for the year                 –         –         –          –     126,703   126,703

                   Transactions with owners
                    2015 interim dividend               –         –         –          –      (17,381)  (17,381)
                    2014 final dividend                 –         –         –          –      (23,175)  (23,175)
                    Repurchase of the Company’s own shares  (977)  72       –          –        (72)     (977)
                   Total transactions with owners     (977)      72         –          –      (40,628)  (41,533)
                   At 31st March 2015               309,674     1,012    40,586     11,783   721,295  1,084,350

                   At 1st April 2015                309,674     1,012    40,586     11,783   721,295  1,084,350
                   Comprehensive income
                    Profit for the year                 –         –         –          –     427,686   427,686

                   Transactions with owners
                    2016 special dividend               –         –         –          –     (347,621)  (347,621)
                    2016 interim dividend               –         –         –          –      (34,762)  (34,762)
                    2015 final dividend                 –         –         –          –      (57,937)  (57,937)
                   Total transactions with owners       –         –         –          –     (440,320)  (440,320)

                   At 31st March 2016               309,674     1,012    40,586     11,783   708,661  1,071,716


                   The contributed surplus of the Company, which arose from a corporate reorganisation in November 1992, represents the difference between
                   the nominal value of the Company’s shares issued in exchange for the issued ordinary shares of Alco Investments (B.V.I.) Limited and the
                   value  of  net  assets  of  the  underlying  subsidiaries  acquired  as  at  6th  November  1992.  Under  the  Companies  Act  1981  of  Bermuda  (as
                   amended), a company may not declare or pay a dividend, or make a distribution out of contributed surplus, if there are reasonable grounds
                   for believing that (i) the company is, or would after the payment be, unable to pay its liabilities as they become due; or (ii) the realisable value
                   of the company’s assets would thereby be less than the aggregate of its liabilities and its issued share capital and share premium accounts.
                   Otherwise the contributed surplus is distributable.

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