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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2017


                  In January 2016, Alco Electronics Limited (“AEL”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered
                  into a sale and purchase agreement with an independent third party, Lead Harvest Group Limited (“Lead
                  Harvest”),  for  the  disposal  of  a  self-occupied  property  (Note  14)  and  certain  investment  properties
                  (Note 15) in Quarry Bay with carrying values of HK$23,791,000 and HK$236,310,000, respectively, at
                  a total net consideration of HK$533,769,000. The transaction was completed on 29th February 2016
                  (“Completion Date”).

                  Upon  completion  of  the  disposal,  AEL  and  Lead  Harvest  entered  into  a  tenancy  agreement,
                  whereby  AEL  leased  the  aforesaid  self-occupied  property  from  Lead  Harvest  for  its  own  use  for  3
                  years  commencing  on  the  Completion  Date.  The  fair  value  of  the  self-occupied  property  near  the
                  Completion Date was determined by the Valuer. The excess of consideration over fair value has been
                  deferred and amortised over the lease period, resulting in the recognition of deferred gain amounting
                  to  HK$33,446,000  (2016:  HK$50,896,000)  in  the  consolidated  balance  sheet  and  amortisation  of
                  the  deferred  gain  amounting  to  HK$17,450,000  (2016:  HK$1,454,000)  in  the  consolidated  income
                  statement for the current year.

             30  BANKING FACILITIES

                  As at 31st March 2017, banking facilities of approximately HK$1,177 million (2016: HK$1,314 million)
                  were  granted  by  banks  to  the  Group,  of  which  approximately  HK$175  million  (2016:  HK$233  million)
                  have been utilised by the Group. All banking facilities were supported by corporate guarantees given by
                  the Company and no facility is secured by charges over the use of certain assets of the Group (2016:

             31  COMMITMENTS

                  (a)  Capital commitments

                                                                                     2017             2016
                                                                                  HK$’000          HK$’000

                       Moulds, plant and machinery and renovation
                         contracted but not provided for                             5,189           11,878

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