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Independent Auditor’s Report


             Key Audit Matter (Continued)                   How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter

             Provision  for  obsolete  or  slow  moving  inventories

             Management  assessed  the  provision  at  each   We  tested,  on  a  sample  basis,  by  comparing  the
             period end for obsolete or slow moving inventories   estimated  selling  price  with  post  year-end  sales
             based  on  consideration  of  obsolescence  of  raw   data  of  the  selected  items  and  tested  the  inventory
             materials  and  work  in  progress,  and  the  net   aging  by  comparing  the  inventory  records  with  the
             realisable value of finished goods. The identification   underlying documents. In addition, we discussed with
             of  inventory  obsolescence  and  determination  of   management and inspected the latest sales pattern for
             estimated  selling  price  less  cost  to  sell  require   both price and quantity for potential orders, and other
             the  use  of  significant  judgement  and  estimates,   factors, including the product change and the market
             including  their  nature,  ageing,  latest  selling   trend.
             price,  and  expectation  of  future  sales  orders.
             The  estimates  are  also  subject  to  uncertainty  of   On  a  sample  basis,  we  have  further  corroborated
             market trends, customer demands and technology   management’s  explanations  with  underlying
             development.                                   documents and analysis of inventory ageing and sales
             We focused on this area due to the significance of
             the  balance,  significant  management  judgement   Based  on  the  procedures  performed  above,  we
             and estimates involved in determining the provision   considered  the  estimates  made  by  management  in
             for  impairment  of  obsolete  or  slow  moving   assessing  the  provision  for  obsolete  or  slow-moving
             inventories.                                   inventories to be supported by available evidence.


             The  directors  of  the  Company  are  responsible  for  the  other  information.  The  other  information  comprises
             all of the information included in the annual report other than the consolidated financial statements and our
             auditor’s report thereon.

             Our  opinion  on  the  consolidated  financial  statements  does  not  cover  the  other  information  and  we  do  not
             express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

             In  connection  with  our  audit  of  the  consolidated  financial  statements,  our  responsibility  is  to  read  the
             other  information  and,  in  doing  so,  consider  whether  the  other  information  is  materially  inconsistent  with
             the  consolidated  financial  statements  or  our  knowledge  obtained  in  the  audit  or  otherwise  appears  to  be
             materially misstated.

             If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
             information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

                                                                      ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  ANNUAL REPORT 2017  41
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