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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

               31st March 2018

               26 RESERVES

                                                            Capital   Exchange     Staff
                                                  Share   redemption   and other   compensation   Retained
                                                premium     reserve   reserves    reserve   earnings     Total
                                                 HK$’000   HK$’000    HK$’000    HK$’000    HK$’000    HK$’000
                   At 1st April 2016             309,674     1,012      (9,235)   11,783   1,614,263  1,927,497
                   Comprehensive income/(loss)
                    Profit for the year              –          –          –         –       73,897     73,897
                    Currency translation differences  –         –       (9,620)      –          –       (9,620)
                   Total comprehensive (loss)/income  –         –       (9,620)      –       73,897     64,277
                   Transactions with owners
                    2017 interim dividend            –          –          –         –      (28,969)   (28,969)
                    2016 final dividend              –          –          –         –      (173,810)  (173,810)
                   Total transactions with owners    –          –          –         –      (202,779)  (202,779)

                   At 31st March 2017            309,674     1,012     (18,855)   11,783   1,485,381  1,788,995

                   At 1st April 2017             309,674     1,012     (18,855)   11,783   1,485,381  1,788,995
                   Comprehensive (loss)/income
                    Loss for the year                –          –          –         –      (85,808)   (85,808)
                    Currency translation differences  –         –      16,473        –          –       16,473
                   Total comprehensive income/(loss)  –         –      16,473        –      (85,808)   (69,335)
                   Transactions with owners
                    Repurchase of own shares      (1,396)      77          –         –         (77)     (1,396)
                    2018 interim dividend            –          –          –         –      (17,358)   (17,358)
                    2017 final dividend              –          –          –         –      (28,968)   (28,968)
                   Total transactions with owners  (1,396)     77          –         –      (46,403)   (47,722)
                   At 31st March 2018            308,278     1,089      (2,382)   11,783   1,353,170  1,671,938

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