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Independent Auditor’s Report


               Key Audit Matter                              How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter

              Capitalisation of development costs

               Refer to note 17  “Intangible assets”, note 2.8   We understood and tested the controls in relation to
               “Summary of significant accounting policies –   how management determined and measured costs
               Intangible assets” and note 4  “Critical accounting   that are directly attributable to the development
               estimates and judgements” to the consolidated   activities.
               financial statements.
                                                             We evaluated the nature of the development costs
               At 31st March 2018, the Group’s intangible    incurred that are capitalised into intangible assets.
               assets include deferred development cost of   Further, we discussed with management regarding
               HK$36,652,000 (net of amortisation).          their overall business plan for such projects including
                                                             planned launch channels and sales forecast for those
               During the year, the Group conducted a significant   products.  Based  on  the  explanations  provided  by
               level of development activities to develop    management and our knowledge of the business
               new products, such as netbook computers.      and industry, we assessed reasonableness of factors
               Management applied judgement in identifying   considered to support the capitalisation of the
               projects and expenditures attributable to the   development costs.
               projects that met the criteria for capitalisation under
               the requirements of accounting standards. Factors   For payroll costs incurred by employees that are
               taken into account by management included the   directly attributable to development activities, we
               Group’s intention, availablility of technical, financial   obtained listing of hours worked on each individual
               and other resources and technical feasibility to   project and discussed with project managers to
               complete such projects, its ability to sell the   understand the nature  of  work performed  by  the
               relevant products developed from such projects,   employees. We also obtained management’s approval
               the likelihood of generating sufficient future   on such listing of hours for each project.
               economic benefits to the Group and its ability to
               measure the expenditure incurred on a specific   We have also tested the costs capitalised, on a
               project reliably.                             sample basis, by agreeing such costs  to contracts,
                                                             external invoices and internal payroll records, where
               We focused on this area because of the        applicable.
               significance of the costs capitalised and the
               judgement involved in assessing whether the   Based on the procedures performed above, we
               capitalisation criteria have been met.        considered the costs capitalised to be supportable by
                                                             available evidence.

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