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Chairman’s Statement

               Chairman’s Statement


               On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hereby    Despite the lacklustre performance, the                                                                               including  the  introduction  of  the  Group’s
               present the financial results of Alco Holdings   Group remains in healthy financial position                                                                           Consumer Notebook PCs under AVITA
               Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively, the   with cash and cash equivalents amounting to                                                                          brand and B2B/Commercial Notebook
               “Group”) for the year ended 31st March 2018.     HK$280 million. The Board of Directors has                                                                            PCs under Primus brand, both of which
                                                                therefore resolved to declare a final dividend                                                                        are managed by the Group’s fully
               For the year under review, the Group             of HK2 cents (2017: HK5 cents) per share.                                                                             owned subsidiary Nexstgo Company
               recorded turnover  of HK$2.1 billion (2017:      This, combined with an interim dividend of                                                                            Limited. Having recruited top talents to
               HK$2.1 billion) and net loss attributable        HK3 cents per share already paid (2017: HK5                                                                           head its dedicated R&D and marketing/
               to shareholders of HK$85.8 million (2017:        cents) represents a total dividend of HK5                                                                             branding teams in Taiwan and Hong Kong
               profit of HK$73.9 million). The net loss was     cents per share for the financial year (2017:                                                                         respectively, Nexstgo has successfully
               due in part to the continuingly challenging      HK10 cents). The final dividend will be paid                                                                          launched  Consumer  Notebook PCs  and
               business environment, which was made             on 11th September 2018 to the Group’s                                                                                 Commercial  Notebook  PCs  in  Hong  Kong,
               worse by the significant increase in the         shareholders upon approval at the upcoming                                                                            Macao, Taiwan, and Singapore during the
               costs of certain critical components that the    Annual General Meeting.                                                                                               year under review.
               Group uses in the production of some of its
               products. Yet other factors that impacted
               on our profitability for the year under review
               include the initial set up and investment in
               our new notebook PC business.

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