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5.   Income tax expenses/credit (continued)
           The  amount  of  taxation  (charged)/credited  to  the  condensed  consolidated  income
           statement represents:
                                                           Six months ended
                                                            30th September
                                                             2015           2014
                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000

           Current income tax
             – Hong Kong profits tax                        (3,401)          (40)
             – PRC corporate income tax                     (2,212)        (1,605)
           Deferred income tax credit                         342          3,654

           Income tax (expenses)/credit                     (5,271)        2,009

       6.   Earnings/loss per share

           Basic earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the profit/(loss) for the period
           attributable  to  equity  holders  of  the  Company  by  the  weighted  average  number  of
           ordinary shares in issue during the period.

                                                           Six months ended
                                                            30th September
                                                             2015           2014

           Profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders
             of the Company (HK$’000)                      71,329          (9,181)

           Weighted average number of ordinary shares
             in issue                                 579,367,720     579,715,327

           Basic earnings/(loss) per share (HK cents)        12.3           (1.6)


           Diluted  earnings/(loss)  per  share  is  calculated  by  adjusting  the  weighted  average
           number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential
           ordinary shares. There were no dilutive potential ordinary shares during the six months
           ended 30th September 2015 and 2014. Therefore, the diluted earnings/(loss) per share
           are the same as the basic earnings/(loss) per share.

                                            Interim Report 2015     ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  9
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