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Report of the Directors

                                                              Report of the Directors

             The directors submit their report together with the audited financial statements for the year ended 31st March


             The principal activity of the Company is investment holding. The activities of the subsidiaries are set out in
             Note 35 to the consolidated financial statements.

             Analysis of the Group’s performance for the year by product and geographical area is set out in Note 5 to the
             consolidated financial statements.


             The results of the Group for the year are set out in the consolidated income statement on pages 26 and 27.

             The directors have declared an interim dividend of HK3 cents per ordinary share, totalling HK$17,381,000.

             The  directors  recommended  the  payment  of  a  final  dividend  of  HK10  cents  per  ordinary  share,  totalling


             The  Group’s  total  equity  and  total  equity  per  share  as  at  31st  March  2015  were  HK$1,926  million  (2014:
             HK$1,856 million) and HK$3.32 (2014: HK$3.20) respectively.

             The  Group  maintains  a  strong  financial  position.  As  at  31st  March  2015,  we  had  cash  and  deposits  of
             HK$888 million. After deducting bank loans of HK$52 million, we had net cash of HK$836 million. The Group
             has adequate liquidity for future working capital requirements.

             As  at  31st  March  2015,  our  inventory  was  HK$404  million  (2014:  HK$353  million).  We  take  a  cautious
             approach to monitor the inventory level especially during this environment with uncertainty.

             Trade receivables balance as at 31st March 2015 was HK$533 million (2014: HK$590 million). As it is our
             policy to deal with creditworthy customers and to adopt a prudent credit policy, credit risk is kept at minimal.

             Trade payables balance as at 31st March 2015 was HK$460 million (2014: HK$523 million).

             As  at  31st  March  2015,  we  had  banking  facilities  of  HK$1,150  million  (2014:  HK$1,596  million),  of  which
             HK$52 million (2014: HK$130 million) were utilised. The used facilities of HK$52 million shall be payable in the
             first year.

                                                                      ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  ANNUAL REPORT 2015  15
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