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Report of the Directors

               Capital  expenditure  on  fixed  assets  during  the  year  was  HK$34  million  (2014:  HK$119  million).  As  at  31st
               March 2015, we had capital commitments contracted but not provided for in respect of moulds, plant and
               machinery and renovation amounting to HK$16,018,000 (2014: HK$2,377,000).

               Due to peg-rate system, we have limited exposure to trade-related foreign exchange risk as substantially all
               of our sales, purchases and borrowings are denominated in United States dollars and Hong Kong dollars.
               Adhering to the policy of not engaging in currency speculation, there was no gain or loss from speculative
               activities during the reporting financial year.

               To  naturally  hedge  against  the  cost  impact  caused  by  the  potential  appreciation  of  Renminbi  (“RMB”),  the
               Group  has  diversified  its  cash  portfolio  by  investing  in  RMB  denominated  deposits  and  bonds.  As  at  31st
               March 2015, the amount totalled RMB359 million.


               As  at  31st  March  2015,  the  Group  had  approximately  2,300  (2014:  2,900)  employees  in  Hong  Kong  and
               the  PRC.  Remuneration  packages  are  generally  structured  by  reference  to  market  terms  and  individual
               qualifications. Salaries and wages are normally reviewed on an annual basis based on performance appraisals
               and other relevant factors. We also provide other benefits including medical insurance, provident fund and
               education subsidies to all eligible staff.


               The  purchases  and  sales  attributable  to  the  Group’s  major  suppliers  and  customers  expressed  as  a
               percentage of total purchases and sales of the Group for the year ended 31st March 2015 are as follows:

                 – the largest supplier                                                                 20%
                 – five largest suppliers combined                                                      52%

                 – the largest customer                                                                 83%
                 – five largest customers combined                                                      97%

               None of the directors, their associates or shareholders (which to the knowledge of the directors owns more
               than 5% of the Company’s share capital) had an interest in the major suppliers or customers noted above at
               any time during the year.

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