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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2016


                  (b)  Estimate of useful lives of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (Continued)

                       The  useful  lives  are  estimated  at  the  time  of  purchase  of  these  assets  after  considering  future
                       technology  changes,  business  developments  and  the  Group’s  strategies.  The  Group  performs
                       annual  reviews  to  assess  the  appropriateness  of  the  estimated  useful  lives.  Such  review  takes
                       into  account  any  unexpected  adverse  changes  in  circumstances  or  events,  including  declines
                       in  projected  operating  results,  negative  industry  or  economic  trends  and  rapid  advancement  in
                       technology. The Group extends or shortens the useful lives and/or makes impairment provisions
                       according to the results of the review.

                  (c)  Impairment of non-financial assets

                       At  each  balance  sheet  date,  the  Group  reviews  internal  and  external  sources  of  information  to
                       identify  indications  that  the  following  assets  may  be  impaired  or  an  impairment  loss  previously
                       recognised no longer exists or may have decreased:

                       –    property, plant and equipment
                       –    leasehold land and land use rights
                       –    intangible assets
                       –    investments in subsidiaries

                       If  any  such  indication  exists,  the  asset’s  recoverable  amount  is  estimated.  An  impairment  loss
                       is  recognised  in  the  consolidated  income  statement  whenever  the  carrying  amount  of  an  asset
                       exceeds its recoverable amounts. If an indication of impairment is identified, the Group is required
                       to estimate the recoverable value, representing the greater of the asset’s fair value less cost to sell
                       or its value in use. Changes in any of these estimates could result in a material change to the asset
                       carrying amount in the financial statements.

                  (d)  Recognition of deferred income tax assets

                       According  to  the  accounting  policy  as  stated  in  Note  2.19,  a  deferred  income  tax  asset  is
                       recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which
                       the deductible temporary differences and tax losses can be utilised, and it is measured at the tax
                       rates that are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised.

                       In  determining  the  deferred  income  tax  asset  to  be  recognised,  management  is  required  to
                       estimate  the  realisation  of  deferred  tax  assets.  Any  difference  between  these  estimates  and
                       the  actual  outcome  will  impact  the  Group’s  result  in  the  period  in  which  the  actual  outcome  is

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