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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2016


                  (a)  Segment analysed by products (Continued)

                       As  substantial  business  operations  of  the  Group  relate  to  design,  manufacture  and  sale  of
                       consumer  electronic  products,  the  senior  management  makes  decisions  about  resources
                       allocation  and  performance  assessment  based  on  the  entity-wide  financial  information.
                       Accordingly, there is only one single reportable segment for the Group.

                                                                             Consumer electronic products
                                                                                     2016             2015
                                                                                  HK$’000          HK$’000

                       Segment results
                       For the years ended 31st March 2016 and 2015
                       Segment revenue                                           2,879,104        2,562,566

                       Segment results                                            520,820          117,715

                       Finance income                                               13,276           13,693
                       Finance costs                                                (8,695)          (6,831)

                       Profit before income tax                                   525,401          124,577

                       Income tax expense                                          (19,382)         (10,402)

                       Profit for the year                                        506,019          114,175
                       Profit for the year attributable to  (1)
                         – Equity holders of the Company                          506,028          114,250
                         – Non-controlling interests                                    (9)             (75)
                                                                                  506,019          114,175

                       Segment assets and liabilities
                       As at 31st March 2016 and 2015
                       Segment assets  (2)                                       2,859,669        2,142,666
                       Unallocated corporate assets                               111,791          354,481

                       Total assets                                              2,971,460        2,497,147
                       Segment liabilities  (3)                                   348,390          513,726
                       Unallocated corporate liabilities                          638,072            57,086

                       Total liabilities                                          986,462          570,812
                       Other segment information
                       For the years ended 31st March 2016 and 2015
                       Capital expenditure  (4)                                     70,133           34,425

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