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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2016


                  (a)   Details of movements in property, plant and equipment of the Group are as follows:

                                               Land and          Leasehold   fixtures and   Plant and   Motor
                                                buildings  Moulds  improvements  equipment  machinery  vehicles  Total
                                                HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000
                       At 1st April 2014
                        Cost                    37,003   276,987   97,607  180,513  300,973   12,274  905,357
                        Accumulated depreciation and
                         impairment              (6,818)  (252,661)  (5,468)  (147,672)  (271,780)  (8,573)  (692,972)

                        Net book amount         30,185    24,326   92,139   32,841   29,193   3,701   212,385
                       Year ended 31st March 2015
                        Opening net book amount  30,185   24,326   92,139   32,841   29,193   3,701   212,385
                        Additions                  –      14,269   12,105   6,763     198     1,090    34,425
                        Disposals                  –         –        –     (3,161)  (2,533)   (565)   (6,259)
                        Depreciation              (423)  (14,384)  (7,032)  (6,566)  (4,156)   (808)   (33,369)
                        Impairment                 –         –        –        –     (4,964)     –     (4,964)
                        Exchange differences      (33)       –     (1,235)    (52)     (52)      –     (1,372)
                        Closing net book amount  29,729   24,211   95,977   29,825   17,686   3,418   200,846

                       At 31st March 2015
                        Cost                    36,959   262,326  108,423  168,936  167,367   10,582  754,593
                        Accumulated depreciation and
                         impairment              (7,230)  (238,115)  (12,446)  (139,111)  (149,681)  (7,164)  (553,747)
                        Net book amount         29,729    24,211   95,977   29,825   17,686   3,418   200,846

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