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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2016

             26  RESERVES

                                                          Capital            Staff
                                                 Share   redemption   Exchange and   compensation   Revaluation   Retained
                                                premium  reserve  other reserves  reserve  surplus  earnings  Total
                                                HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000  HK$’000
                  At 1st April 2014             310,651    940       (43)   11,783   58,074  1,416,859  1,798,264
                  Comprehensive income/(loss)
                   Profit for the year             –         –        –        –        –    114,250   114,250
                   Currency translation differences  –       –     (2,156)     –        –        –     (2,156)
                  Total comprehensive (loss)/income  –       –     (2,156)     –        –    114,250   112,094
                  Transactions with owners
                   2015 interim dividend           –         –        –        –        –     (17,381)  (17,381)
                   2014 final dividend             –         –        –        –        –     (23,175)  (23,175)
                   Repurchase of the Company’s own shares  (977)  72  –        –        –       (72)    (977)
                  Total transactions with owners  (977)     72        –        –        –     (40,628)  (41,533)
                  At 31st March 2015            309,674   1,012    (2,199)  11,783   58,074  1,490,481  1,868,825

                  At 1st April 2015             309,674   1,012    (2,199)  11,783   58,074  1,490,481  1,868,825

                  Comprehensive income/(loss)
                   Profit for the year              –        –        –        –        –    506,028   506,028
                   Realisation of revaluation surplus  –     –        –        –     (58,074)  58,074     –
                   Currency translation differences  –       –     (7,036)     –        –        –     (7,036)
                  Total comprehensive (loss)/income  –       –     (7,036)     –     (58,074)  564,102  498,992
                  Transactions with owners
                   2016 special dividend            –        –        –        –        –    (347,621)  (347,621)
                   2016 interim dividend            –        –        –        –        –     (34,762)  (34,762)
                   2015 final dividend              –        –        –        –        –     (57,937)  (57,937)
                  Total transactions with owners    –        –        –        –        –    (440,320)  (440,320)

                  At 31st March 2016            309,674   1,012    (9,235)  11,783      –    1,614,263  1,927,497

                                                                      ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  ANNUAL REPORT 2016  79
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86