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Chairman’s Statement


               The  global  economy  is  expected  to  further
               improve  in  the  coming  years,  driven  by
               recoveries  in  investment,  manufacturing  and
               trade,  according  to  an  International  Monetary
               Fund  report.  However,  optimism  must  be
               tempered  by  the  possibility  of  changing
               political  landscape  that  invariably  creates
               uncertainty  and  downside  risk.  For  anyone
               involved  in  the  electronics  industry,  intense
               competition  will  remain  the  norm  in  the
               foreseeable  future,  though  that  by  no  means
               implies that opportunities are absent.

               As  an  industry  veteran,  the  Group  has     With  regard  to  high  value-added  products,
               overcome  numerous  troughs  and  cyclical      in  addition  to  developing  more  models
               patterns  in  the  past  48  years,  including  the   of  electric  bicycles,  we  plan  to  introduce
               recent  and  sudden  spike  in  cost  of  critical   within  the  second  half  of  the  2017  calendar
               components.  Though  not  unscathed,  we        year  Consumer  Notebook  PCs  and  B2B/
               have  nonetheless  been  resilient  due  to     Commercial  Notebook  PCs  in  prices  range
               competitive  strengths  that  have  only  grown   of  mid  1,000  US  dollars.  Furthermore,  by  the
               more  robust  over  the  years,  one  of  which   beginning  of  2018,  All-In-One  PC  systems
               is  our  management  team  that  provides  the   in  sizes  ranging  from  24”  to  32”  will  also  be
               Group  with  sound  guidance  and  direction.  In   introduced.
               the  coming  year,  we  will  continue  to  focus  on
               our  three-pronged  strategy  of  developing  high
               value-added  products;  further  upgrading  our
               manufacturing facilities through automation and
               robotization; and penetrating new markets with
               new brands and/or new product categories.

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