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Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management

             Senior Management

             Mr LEUNG Wai Lap, David, aged 56, is a son of the Chairman of the Group. He joined the Group in 2005 and
             is the senior sales manager of the Group. He oversees the sales and marketing for the Group’s products and
             service in North America.

             Mr  YIP  Wing  Shing,  David, B.B.S.,  M.H.,  J.P.,  aged  59,  joined  the  Group  in  1973.  He  is  the  Group’s  general
             manager and oversees the whole operation of the Dongguan factory. He has over 33 years of experience in
             the field of consumer electronic products.

             Mr YICK Ka Lei, Danny, aged 50, joined the Group in 2015. He is the Managing Director of Alco International
             Limited and is responsible for business development for branded business in overseas market. He holds a
             BSc  Honours  degree  in  Electrical  &  Electronics  Engineering  from  University  of  Manchester  and  MBA  from
             University of Warwick, and has over 20 years of experience in the field of consumer electronics. Before joining
             the Group, Mr Yick held senior management positions with Philips, TCL Multimedia Limited and other major
             corporations.  He  also  serves  as  a  member  of  HKTDC  Electronics/Electrical  Appliances  Industries  Advisory
             Committee 2017-19.

             Mr CHUNG Hau Yeung, Alex, aged 47, joined the Group in 2016 as CEO of NEXSTGO and set up Nexstgo
             Company Limited and Taiwan Nexstgo Limited. He has over 20 years of experience in technology, IT, mobile
             and consumer electronics sectors. Prior to joining NEXSTGO, Mr Chung served as Country General Manager
             in  Lenovo  HK.  He  also  held  various  senior  management  positions  at  the  Shun  Hing  Group,  Samsung
             Electronics  and  Sony  Corporation.  He  holds  an  Executive  Master  of  Business  Administration  from  The
             University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is currently a Councilor of the Hong Kong Information Technology
             Federation, a fellow member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and a Chartered Marketer. He also
             serves as an Advisory committee member of the School of Business in Hong Kong Baptist University.

             Mr  SUN  Kuo  Ting,  aged  44,  joined  the  Group  in  2016.  He  is  the  General  Manager  of  Taiwan  Nexstgo
             Limited,  and  is  responsible  for  research  and  development  of  the  notebook  business.  He  has  over  16
             years of experience in technology, consumer electronic and IT sectors, with solid experience in research &
             development,  operation,  product  management  and  product  marketing.  Before  joining  NEXSTGO,  Mr  Sun
             served as Vice President in CVTE in charge of its hardware research & development. Mr Sun held various
             senior  management  positions  at  Acer,  Dell  and  HP.  He  holds  a  master  of  science  degree  in  environment
             engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

                                                                      ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  ANNUAL REPORT 2017  15
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