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Corporate Governance Report
The audit committee currently comprises Mr CHEUNG, Johnson (appointed on 6th April 2016) (chairman
of the audit committee), Mr LI Wah Ming and Mr LEE Tak Chi, all of whom are independent non-executive
The audit committee has reviewed with management the accounting principles and practices adopted by
the Group and discussed internal controls and financial reporting matters including the review of the financial
statements of the Group for the year ended 31st March 2017.
Two audit committee meetings were held during the year ended 31st March 2017 and the attendance of each
committee member is set out as follows:
Members of the Audit Committee Attended/Eligible to attend
Mr CHEUNG, Johnson 2/2
Mr LI Wah Ming 2/2
Mr LEE Tak Chi 1/2
The Company established a nomination committee with written terms of reference in accordance with the
Code provisions.
The nomination committee currently comprises Mr LEUNG Kai Ching, Kimen (chairman of the nomination
committee), Mr LEUNG Wai Sing, Wilson, Mr LI Wah Ming, Mr LEE Tak Chi and Mr CHEUNG, Johnson
(appointed on 6th April 2016).
The primary duties of the nomination committee are to review the structure, size and composition of
the Board, and to identify individuals suitably qualified to become board members and select or make
recommendations to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorship. Besides, the
nomination committee has adopted a board diversity policy in which the diversity of board members can be
achieved through consideration of a number of factors, including but not limited to gender, age, cultural and
educational background, skills, knowledge and professional experience. The above aspects will be taken into
account when the selection of board members is necessary.
One nomination committee meeting was held during the year ended 31st March 2017 and the attendance of
each committee member is set out as follows:
Members of the Nomination Committee Attended/Eligible to attend
Mr LEUNG Kai Ching, Kimen 1/1
Mr LEUNG Wai Sing, Wilson 1/1
Mr LI Wah Ming 1/1
Mr LEE Tak Chi 1/1
Mr CHEUNG, Johnson 1/1