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Corporate Governance Report


             The directors acknowledge their responsibility for the preparation of the financial statements of the Group.
             In  preparing  the  financial  statements,  the  Hong  Kong  Financial  Reporting  Standards  have  been  adopted,
             appropriate  accounting  policies  have  been  used  and  applied  consistently,  and  reasonable  and  prudent
             judgements  and  estimates  have  been  made.  The  Board  is  not  aware  of  any  material  uncertainties  relating
             to  events  or  conditions  which  may  cast  significant  doubt  over  the  Group’s  ability  to  continue  as  a  going
             concern. Accordingly, the Board has continued to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial

             The auditor’s responsibilities are set out in the Independent Auditor’s Report.


             For  the  year  ended  31st  March  2017,  the  remuneration  paid  to  the  Company’s  auditor,
             PricewaterhouseCoopers, is set out as follows:

             Services rendered                                                            Fees paid/payable
             Audit-related services                                                                   2,200
             Non audit-related services
               Tax compliance services                                                                 174


             The  Board  has  the  ultimate  responsibility  for  the  risk  management  and  internal  control  systems  of  the
             Company, and reviewing their effectiveness. Such systems are designed to manage rather than eliminate the
             risk of failure to achieve business objectives, and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance
             against material misstatement or loss.

             The  audit  committee  is  responsible  for  overseeing  the  Company’s  risk  management  and  internal  control
             systems and procedures, and to report to the Board on any material issues and make recommendations to
             the Board.

             The audit committee and management are responsible for identifying the risks of the Group and discussing
             those risks with management board. Management board shall evaluate whether the risks are significant and
             shall manage them according to a level that is acceptable to the Group when achieving its strategic objective.

             The internal audit department is responsible for assisting the Board in evaluating the various components of
             the internal control system under the framework of control environment, risk assessment, control activities,
             information  and  communication,  and  monitoring,  co-ordinating  the  implementation  of  the  Group’s  risk
             management and internal control systems and reviewing the effectiveness of the systems regularly.

                                                                      ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  ANNUAL REPORT 2017  19
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