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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

               31st March 2017


                   2.1  Basis of preparation (Continued)

                       (b)  (Continued)

                            None of the above new standards and amendments is expected to have a significant effect
                            on the consolidated financial statements of the Group, except for the followings:

                            HKFRS 9, “Financial instruments”

                            The new standard addresses the classification, measurement and derecognition of financial
                            assets  and  financial  liabilities,  introduces  new  rules  for  hedge  accounting  and  a  new
                            impairment model for financial assets.

                            The  new  impairment  model  requires  the  recognition  of  impairment  provisions  based  on
                            expected  credit  losses  (ECL)  rather  than  only  incurred  credit  losses  as  is  the  case  under
                            HKAS  39.  It  applies  to  financial  assets  classified  at  amortised  cost,  contract  assets  under
                            HKFRS  15  Revenue  from  Contracts  with  Customers,  lease  receivables,  loan  commitments
                            and certain financial guarantee contracts. While the Group has not yet undertaken a detailed
                            assessment  of  how  its  impairment  provisions  would  be  affected  by  the  new  model,  it  may
                            result in an earlier recognition of credit losses.

                            The  new  standard  also  introduces  expanded  disclosure  requirements  and  changes  in
                            presentation. These are expected to change the nature and extent of the Group’s disclosures
                            about its financial instruments particularly in the year of the adoption of the new standard.

                            HKFRS  9  must  be  applied  for  financial  years  commencing  on  or  after  1st  January  2018.
                            Based on the transitional provisions in the completed HKFRS 9, early adoption in phases was
                            only  permitted  for  annual  reporting  periods  beginning  before  1st  February  2015.  After  that
                            date, the new rules must be adopted in their entirety. The group does not intend to adopt
                            HKFRS 9 before its mandatory date.

                            HKFRS 15, “Revenue from contracts with customers”

                            The  HKICPA  has  issued  a  new  standard  for  the  recognition  of  revenue.  This  will  replace
                            HKAS  18  which  covers  contracts  for  goods  and  services  and  HKAS  11  which  covers
                            construction  contracts.  The  new  standard  is  based  on  the  principle  that  revenue  is
                            recognised when control of a good or service transfers to a customer. The standard permits
                            either a full retrospective or a modified retrospective approach for the adoption.

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