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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2017


                  2.1  Basis of preparation (Continued)

                      (b)  (Continued)

                           HKFRS 15, “Revenue from contracts with customers” (Continued)

                           Management is currently assessing the effects of applying the new standard on the Group’s
                           consolidated financial statements and has identified the following areas that are likely to be

                           •    revenue from service – the application of HKFRS 15 may result in the identification of
                                separate  performance  obligations  which  could  affect  the  timing  of  the  recognition  of

                           •    accounting  for  certain  costs  incurred  in  fulfilling  a  contract  –  certain  costs  which  are
                                currently expensed may need to be recognised as an asset under HKFRS 15, and

                           •    rights of return – HKFRS 15 requires separate presentation on the balance sheet of the
                                right to recover the goods from the customer and the refund obligation.

                           At this stage, the Group is not able to estimate the impact of the new rules on the Group’s
                           consolidated  financial  statements.  The  Group  will  make  more  detailed  assessments  of  the
                           impact over the next twelve months.

                           HKFRS 15 is mandatory for financial years commencing on or after 1st January 2018. At this
                           stage, the Group does not intend to adopt the standard before its effective date.

                           HKFRS 16, “Leases”

                           HKFRS  16  will  result  in  almost  all  leases  being  recognised  on  the  balance  sheet,  as  the
                           distinction  between  operating  and  finance  leases  is  removed.  Under  the  new  standard,  an
                           asset (the right to use the leased item) and a financial liability to pay rentals are recognised.
                           The only exceptions are short-term and low-value leases.

                           The accounting for lessors will not significantly change.

                           The  standard  will  affect  primarily  the  accounting  for  the  Group’s  operating  leases.  As
                           at  the  reporting  date,  the  Group  has  non-cancellable  operating  lease  commitments  of
                           HK$395,563,000, see note 31. However, the Group has not yet determined to what extent
                           these commitments will result in the recognition of an asset and a liability for future payments
                           and how this will affect the Group’s profit and classification of cash flows.

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