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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2017


                                                                                     2017             2016
                                                                                  HK$’000          HK$’000

                    Prepayments, deposits and other receivables (Note)              23,070           41,068
                    Trade receivables                                             697,222          662,059
                    Prepayments, deposits and other receivables (Note)              45,471           30,875
                                                                                  742,693          692,934

                                                                                  765,763          734,002

                  Note:  As at 31st March 2017, other receivables included HK$28,629,000 (2016:HK$43,374,000), being the consideration
                        receivable from PVI Global Corporation (a subsidiary of E Ink Holdings Inc. (“E Ink”)) for the disposal of the corporate
                        bond  of  Hydis  Technologies  Company  Limited.  A  guarantee  was  granted  by  E  Ink  to  cover  the  entire  receivable
                        amount. HK$14,456,000 shall be receivable in the first year and HK$14,173,000 shall be receivable in the second

                  The credit terms given to customers vary and are generally based on the financial strengths of individual
                  customers.  In  order  to  effectively  manage  the  credit  risks  associated  with  trade  receivables,  credit
                  evaluations of customers are performed periodically.

                  The fair values of the trade and other receivables approximate to their carrying amounts.

                  At 31st March 2017 and 2016, the ageing analysis of the trade receivables based on shipping terms is
                  as follows:

                                                                                     2017             2016
                                                                                  HK$’000          HK$’000
                  0 – 30 days                                                     102,368            58,780
                  31 – 60 days                                                      95,899         110,303
                  61 – 90 days                                                    132,720            51,483
                  Over 90 days                                                    366,235          441,493
                                                                                  697,222          662,059

                  As at 31st March 2017, trade receivables of HK$163,543,000 (2016: HK$359,587,000) were past due
                  with  reference  to  the  credit  terms  offered.  The  overdue  sum  is  not  considered  as  impaired  since  the
                  overdue sum has been settled in early May 2017.

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