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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

               31st March 2017

               15  INVESTMENT PROPERTIES

                                                                                      2017             2016
                                                                                   HK$’000          HK$’000

                   Beginning of the year                                             79,420          315,670
                   Fair value gain (Note 6)                                          11,068              60
                   Disposal (Note 29)                                                     –         (236,310)

                   End of the year                                                   90,488           79,420

                   Rental income derived from the investment properties amounted to approximately HK$2,979,000 (2016:
                   HK$8,373,000) during the year.

                   Valuation process of the Group

                   The  Group  measures  its  investment  property  at  fair  value.  The  fair  value  of  the  Group’s  investment
                   property at 31st March 2017 and 2016 has been determined on the basis of valuation carried out by an
                   independent  qualified  valuer,  LCH  (Asia-Pacific)  Surveyors  Limited  (the  “Valuer”).  The  valuation,  which
                   conforms to the valuation standards issued by Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (“HKIS”) was arrived
                   at  by  reference  to  the  current  and  forecast  rental  income,  allowing  for  reversionary  potential  of  the
                   investment property.

                   The Group reviews the valuation performed by the Valuer for financial reporting purposes. Discussions of
                   valuation processes and results are held between management and the Valuer at least once every year,
                   which is in line with the Group’s annual reporting date.

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