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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

               31st March 2017

               11  INCOME TAX EXPENSE

                   Hong  Kong  profits  tax  has  been  provided  at  the  rate  of  16.5%  (2016:  16.5%)  on  the  estimated
                   assessable  profits  for  the  year.  Taxation  on  overseas  profits  has  been  calculated  on  the  estimated
                   assessable  profits  for  the  year  at  the  rates  of  taxation  prevailing  in  the  countries  in  which  the  Group

                                                                                      2017             2016
                                                                                   HK$’000          HK$’000

                   Current income tax
                     – Hong Kong profits tax                                            16            13,057
                     – PRC corporate income tax                                        530                 –
                     – Overseas corporate income tax                                    60                 –
                     – Over provision in prior years                                    (16)            (115)
                   Deferred income tax expense                                        3,397            6,440

                   Income tax expense                                                 3,987           19,382

                   The  tax  on  the  Group’s  profit  before  income  tax  differs  from  the  theoretical  amount  that  would  arise
                   using the tax rate of Hong Kong as follows:

                                                                                      2017             2016
                                                                                   HK$’000          HK$’000

                   Profit before income tax                                          77,879          525,401
                   Tax calculated at a tax rate of 16.5% (2016: 16.5%)               12,850           86,691
                   Effect of different tax rates in other countries                     (12)            (427)
                   Income not subject to tax                                        (14,726)         (77,376)
                   Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                           5,881           10,601
                   Over provision in prior years                                        (16)            (115)
                   Tax losses for which no deferred income tax asset
                     was recognised                                                     10                 8
                   Income tax expense                                                 3,987           19,382

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