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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2017


                  (a)  Directors’ and chief executives emoluments

                       Directors’  remuneration,  including  remuneration  of  chief  executive  officer  (Mr  LEUNG  Wai  Sing,
                       Wilson), for the year, disclosed pursuant to Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules and section 383 of
                       the  Hong  Kong  Companies  Ordinance  and  Part  2  of  the  Companies  (Disclosure  of  Information
                       about Benefits of Directors) Regulation, is as follows:

                       Emoluments  paid  or  receivable  in  respect  of  a  person’s  services  as  a  director,  whether  of  the
                       Company or its subsidiaries undertaking:

                       For the year ended 31st March 2016:

                                                                                      contribution to
                                                                                        a retirement
                                                                            Discretionary   benefit
                       Name                               Fees       Salary    bonuses    scheme        Total
                                                        HK$’000    HK$’000    HK$’000     HK$’000    HK$’000
                      Executive directors:
                        Mr LEUNG Kai Ching, Kimen           –        4,843      2,397        207       7,447
                        Mr LEUNG Wai Sing, Wilson           –        4,843      2,397        207       7,447
                        Mr KUOK Kun Man                     –        2,512      1,598        107       4,217
                        Mr LEUNG, Jimmy                     –        1,208       959          18       2,185
                        Mr LIU Lup Man                      –         962        639          18       1,619

                      Independent non-executive directors:
                        Mr LI Wah Ming                     160          –          –          8         168
                        Mr LAU Wang Yip, Derrick *         153          –          –          8         161
                        Mr LEE Tak Chi                     160          –          –          –         160
                                                           473      14,368      7,990        573      23,404

                       *   Mr LAU Wang Yip, Derrick has resigned as the independent non-executive director of the Group with effective from 17th March

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