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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2017


                                                                                     2017             2016
                                                                                  HK$’000          HK$’000

                  Wages and salaries                                              214,240          213,248
                  Pension costs – defined contribution retirement schemes
                    (Note (a))                                                       2,864            2,639
                  Other staff benefits                                              16,249           16,171

                                                                                  233,353          232,058
                  Severance pay                                                      6,550           13,279


                  (a)   Defined contribution retirement schemes

                       Before 1st December 2000, the Group operated a defined contribution retirement scheme (the “ORSO Scheme”) in Hong Kong for all
                       qualified employees. The rate of contribution payable by the Group was 5% of the individual employee’s basic salaries.

                       With effect from 1st December 2000, the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (the “MPF Scheme”) was set up under the MPF Scheme
                       Ordinance  for  existing  staff  who  opted  for  this  scheme  and  eligible  staff  recruited  on  or  after  that  date.  The  ORSO  Scheme  has
                       remained in place with the introduction of the MPF Scheme. Under the MPF Scheme, eligible employees and the Group are each
                       required to contribute 5% on the employees’ monthly net salaries with a maximum monthly contribution of HK$1,500 for employees’
                       monthly contribution.

                       Contributions  to  the  ORSO  Scheme  and  MPF  Scheme  charged  to  the  consolidated  income  statement  for  the  year  amounted  to
                       approximately  HK$2,864,000  (2016:  HK$2,639,000).  No  forfeited  contribution  in  respect  of  the  defined  contribution  retirement
                       scheme was utilised during the year (2016: same). No forfeiture contribution was available as at 31st March 2017 and 2016 to reduce
                       future contributions.

                       Contributions totaling approximately HK$625,000 (2016: HK$418,000) were payable to the ORSO Scheme and MPF Scheme at the
                       year end and were included in other payables and accruals.

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