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Environmental, Social and Governance Report
Environmental, Social and Governance Report
This report is to outline the performances on environmental, social and governance aspects of the Group
(“ESG Report”). This ESG Report is prepared in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance
Reporting Guide (the “ESG Guide”) under Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the
Main Board of Stock Exchange (“Listing Rules”), and the provisions of “comply or explain” set out therein.
Unless otherwise stated, this ESG report covers the Group’s overall performance, risks, strategies, measures
and commitment in terms of quality of workplace environment, environmental protection, operating practice
and community involvement for the business operations in Hong Kong and China during the reporting period
for the year ended 31st March 2018 (“Reporting Period”).
During the Reporting Period, the Group was principally engaged in design, manufacturing and sale of
AV products and notebook products. Therefore, this ESG report mainly covers the above operations. All
information is from the official documents or statistic reports of the Group.
Information about corporate governance structure of the Group and other relevant disclosure, please refer to
page 13 to 17 of this annual report.
Management and employees of the Group participated in preparing this ESG Report and assessing and
reviewing its operating practices with regards to environment, social and governance aspects, as well as how
these operating practices are material to our business operations and stakeholders.
As a manufacturer, we uphold a high moral standard and are committed to operating in a socially and
environmentally responsible manner while remaining economically sustainable. We have made corporate
social responsibility (“CSR”) as an integral part of our business practices as we seek various ways in
communicating with stakeholders, with a view to balancing their interests. We review our initiatives of
enhancing environmental protection, employee relationships, community involvement, corporate governance
and other aspects from time to time, to maintain the best practices that contribute to a more sustainable
world. In order to meet this commitment, both individual and collective efforts of our staff and the Group
are needed. Hence, we ensure that all employees follow relevant guidelines. The Group’s CSR policies are
applicable to all directors, senior executives and other employees.