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Environmental, Social and Governance Report

               Subject Areas       Content                                      Section in This ESG Report

               Operating Practices
               B5 Supply Chain Management

               General Disclosure  Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the  Operating Practices
                                   supply chain.                                – Supply Chain Management

               B6 Product Responsibility

               General Disclosure  Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant  Operating Practices
                                   laws and regulations that have a significant impact on the  – Product Responsibility
                                   issuer relating to health and safety, advertising, labelling
                                   and privacy matters relating to products and services
                                   provided and methods of redress.
               B7 Anti-corruption

               General Disclosure  Information on the policies; and compliance with relevant  Operating Practices
                                   laws and regulations that have a significant impact on   – Anti-corruption
                                   the issuer relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money

               B8 Community Investment

               General Disclosure  Policies  on  community  engagement  to  understand  the   Community
                                   needs of the communities where the issuer operates  – Community Investment
                                   and to ensure its activities take into consideration the
                                   communities’ interests.

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