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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
31st March 2018
3.1 Financial risk factors (Continued)
(c) Liquidity risk (Continued)
In the In the
On Within second third to Over Carrying
demand one year year fifth year five years Total amount
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
At 31st March 2017
Borrowings – 119,967 59,983 – – 179,950 174,600
Trade and other payables – 320,739 – – – 320,739 320,739
At 31st March 2018
Borrowings 31,784 63,248 2,745 8,235 40,262 146,274 133,718
Trade and other payables – 215,090 – – – 215,090 215,090
The table below summarises the maturity analysis of the bank borrowings with a repayment
on demand clause based on agreed scheduled repayments set out in the loan agreement.
The amounts included interest payments computed using contractual rates.
Taking into account the Group’s financial position, the directors do not consider that it is
probable that the bank will exercise their discretions to demand immediate repayment. The
directors believe that such bank borrowing will be repaid in accordance with the scheduled
repayment date set out in the loan agreements.
Maturity Analysis – Bank borrowings subject to a repayment on demand clause based on
scheduled repayments:
In the
Within In the third to Carrying
one year second year fifth year Total amount
HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000
31st March 2017 – – – – –
31st March 2018 6,810 13,499 11,475 31,784 31,080