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Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

                                                                                                 31st March 2018


                  2.26 Dividend distribution

                       Dividend distribution to  the Company’s shareholders is recognised as  a liability in  the Group’s
                       and the Company’s financial statements in the period in which the dividends are approved by the
                       Company’s shareholders or directors, where appropriate.


                  The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including foreign exchange
                  risk, cash flow and fair value interest rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk.

                  Risk management is carried out by the Group’s treasury function. The Group adopts a conservative and
                  balanced treasury policy which focuses on the financial risks factors as below and seeks to minimise
                  potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.

                  3.1  Financial risk factors

                      (a)  Market risk

                           (i)   Foreign exchange risk

                                The Group’s transactions are mainly denominated in HKD, United States dollars
                                (“USD”), Renminbi (“RMB”) and New Taiwan dollars (“NTD”). The majority of assets and
                                liabilities are denominated in HKD, USD, RMB, NTD and Great British Pound (“GBP”),
                                and there are no significant assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies.

                                Since HKD is pegged to USD, the Group does not have significant currency risks and it
                                is the Group’s policy not to engage in speculative activities. The Group has not entered
                                into any contracts to hedge its exposure for foreign exchange risk.

                                At 31st March 2018, if RMB had strengthened/weakened by 10% against HKD with all
                                other variables held constant, post-tax loss (2017: profit) for the year would have been
                                approximately HK$6,010,000 lower/higher (2017: HK$6,397,000 higher/lower), mainly
                                as a result of the net foreign exchange differences on translation of RMB denominated
                                cash and bank balances and other payables.

                                At 31st March 2018, if NTD had strengthened/weakened by 10% against HKD with all
                                other variables held constant, post-tax loss (2017: profit) for the year would have been
                                approximately HK$694,000 lower/higher (2017: HK$255,000 higher/lower), mainly as a
                                result of the net foreign exchange differences on translation of NTD denominated cash
                                and bank balances, trade and other receivables and other payables.

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