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11. Trade and other payables (continued)
The ageing analysis of trade payables based on invoice date is as follows:
30 September 31 March
2019 2019
HK$’000 HK$’000
0 – 30 days 131,482 76,763
31 – 60 days 61,547 8,446
61 – 90 days 3,680 2,008
Over 90 days 194 6,911
196,903 94,128
12. Borrowings
30 September 31 March
2019 2019
HK$’000 HK$’000
Borrowings, secured (Note i) 57,466 40,516
Borrowings, secured (Note i) 1,694 1,705
Borrowings, unsecured (Note ii) 299,506 141,692
301,200 143,397
Total borrowings 358,666 183,913
i) The borrowing is secured by the Group’s land and buildings.
ii) The borrowings are unsecured and are supported by corporate guarantees given by the
Company (Note 14).
As at 30 September 2019, the borrowings were denominated in USD or HKD (31 March
2019: same) and interest bearing at a margin over HIBOR, LIBOR or Lender’s Costs of
Funds (31 March 2019: same).
18 ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED Interim Report 2019