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12. Borrowings (continued)
           The maturity of borrowings is as follows:

                                                     30 September       31 March
                                                             2019           2019
                                                         HK$’000         HK$’000
           Within one year                                301,200        143,397
           In the second year                               8,392          1,758
           In the third to fifth year                      23,187          5,607
           Over five years                                 25,887         33,151
                                                          358,666        183,913

           The carrying amounts of the borrowings approximated to their fair values.

       13.  Share capital
                                                            Ordinary Shares
                                                        Number of
                                                            shares       HK$’000

             Ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each
             At 1 April 2018, 31 March 2019 and
               30 September 2019                      800,000,000        80,000

           Issued and fully paid:
             Ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each

             At 1 April 2018                          578,595,720        57,860
             Issuance of rights shares                144,648,930        14,464

             At 31 March 2019 and 30 September 2019   723,244,650        72,324

       14.  Contingent liabilities
           The Company provided corporate guarantees in favour of the banks to secure general
           banking facilities granted to certain of its subsidiaries (Note 12).

                                           Interim Report 2019     ALCO HOLDINGS LIMITED  19
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